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Ruta Kruliauskaitė, Curator, TEDx Vilnius There must be dozens of tips how to prepare a perfect speaker line-up. TEDx is definitely dictating its own rules. In this session you will find out what it takes to curate the speaker line-up: collected wisdom of global community, what worked for them and what didn't. You will also learn that successful event isn't only about the program and why it is important to curate the audience and how to do it successfully.
Žymės: TEDxRuta Kruliauskaitėconvenepenki tvlitexpo
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Convene 2015
2016-04-04 6
Trip Barometer Tips: How to Build Better Long- term Relationships with Client
Thomas Bangert, Director Display EU at Trip Advisor In this presentation we will have a look at TripAdvisor in general, the tools available for businesses...
2015-03-04 8
TEDx Experience: Curating Amazing Audience and Speakers
Ruta Kruliauskaitė, Curator, TEDx Vilnius There must be dozens of tips how to prepare a perfect speaker line-up. TEDx is definitely dictating its own rule...
2015-03-04 5
Using Presentation Techniques for Sales and Marketing
Luc Chenier, Managing Director, TITANIUM Presentations & LC Consulting Group Companies invest huge amounts of time and money in developing their products ...
2015-03-04 1
Incentive Ideas and Opportunities of Baltic Market
Olavi Andla, Owner, EMC Blue Drum In this session the speaker will share his experience in selling and implementing edutainment and histotainment programm...
2015-03-04 3
Innovations in Meetings Design
Julien Carlier, CEO, Social Dynamite Designing more interactive and effective meetings and events depends on how sessions and functions are designed. Not ...
2015-03-04 0
How to Create Events which are Both Profitable and Sustainable
Fiona Pelham, Managing Director, Sustainable Events Ltd 'What is sustainability? It is a non negotiable element to every event. If you want to win busines...
2015-03-04 4
Airport Experience Without a Ticket
Jūratė Baltrušaitytė, COO / Chief Commercial Officer, Vilnius Airport If someone asked you what is an airport, what would you say? A place to reach a dest...
Networking – the Power of Human Connections
Patrick Delaney, Managing Partner, Soolnua Attending this high octane session and learn the tricks of networking for business success. Remember to leave y...
Using Content to Create Engagement in the Meetings and Events Industry
Johanna Fischer, Managing Director, tmf dialogmarketing GmbH In this session we will show all you need to know about content, where to find it, how to bui...