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The next generation of security, Razvan Cobzaru, Bitdefender
Žymės: securityRazvan CobzaruBitdefender
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The next generation of security
2015-06-11 2
Simplicity redefined for EMM
Simplicity redefined for EMM, Per Soderqist, Sophos
2015-06-10 2
Smart Home Hacking
Smart Home Hacking, Daniel Schwarz, SEO Consult
2015-06-10 13
Demo of Endpoint Select & MDM
Demo of Endpoint Select & MDM, Pavel Glavinskij, Kaspersky
2015-06-10 24
If you knew you were going to be compromised - would you do security differently
If you knew you were going to be compromised - would you do security differently, Juha Launonen. Cisco
2015-06-03 0
Current Threat Landscape
Current Threat Landscape, Dirk Kollberg. Kaspersky
2015-06-03 1
Cyber threats and responses in a global economy. Does location matter?
Cyber threats and responses in a global economy. Does location matter? Joerg Weber. Barclays
2015-06-03 14
Data Theft Prevension - own your asset before your adversary
Data Theft Prevension - own your asset before your adversary. Neil Thacker. Websence, ENISA.
2015-06-03 5
Rimtautas Černiauskas. Nacionalinio kibernetinio saugumo centras
2015-06-02 50
Sophos UTM
Sophos UTM, Per Soderqvist, Sophos
2015-06-02 4
Challenges in securing virtualized environments
Challenges in securing virtualized environments, Iulian Hars, Kaspersky Lab
2015-06-02 5
Continuous Threat - Continuous Protection: Can you protect, what you can't see?
Continuous Threat - Continuous Protection: Can you protect, what you can't see? Juha Launonen, Cisco
2015-06-02 0
Securing Our Online Future
Securing Our Online Future, Mikko H. Hypponen
2015-06-02 24
Cisco FirePOWER threat protection in action
Cisco FirePOWER threat protection in action, Redžinalds Kripšiis, Cisco
2015-06-11 1
Qualys Platform - Continuous security for continuous threats
Qualys Platform - Continuous security for continuous threats, Marek Skalicky, Qualys
2015-06-04 10
How well prepared are you for the next security threat?
How well prepared are you for the next security threat? Florian Malecki, Dell SonicWALL
2015-06-04 0
From the „I love you Virus“ to the present
From the „I love you Virus“ to the present, Wolfgang Wimmer, GFI Software
2015-06-04 2
WW3 has started. Do we have any way to protect ourselves?
WW3 has started. Do we have any way to protect ourselves? Michael Soukonnik, Radware
2015-06-04 1
Prevention First - Introducing the Enterprise Security Platform
Prevention First - Introducing the Enterprise Security Platform, Sami Walle, Palo Alto Networks
Thera are only two places in this league of Cyber threats, first place and no place
Thera are only two places in this league of Cyber threats, first place and no place, I. Whiteside & K. Vatnestrom, F-Secure
Data security starts from visibility
Data security starts from visibility, Andrius Šaveiko, Atea & Sami Kovanen, Websense
Roundable disscusion
2015-06-03 3