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Joined by a host of speakers, all senior technical experts from industry leading member companies, including Philips, Sony, Ericsson, Huawei, Deutsche Telekom, Telecom Italia, France Telecom and Opera Software, this Symposium investigates and considers why the Connected TV industry needs interoperable standards that are open and free to use.
Žymės: OIPFPenki kontinentaiEligijus MasiulisPhilipsSonyEricssonHuaweiDeutsche TelekomTelecom ItaliaFrance Telecom and Opera SoftwareIPTVPenki TV
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Nilo Mitra in OIPF
Joined by a host of speakers, all senior technical experts from industry leading member companies, including Philips, Sony, Ericsson, Huawei, Deutsche Tele...
2012-04-05 42
Saulius Paukštys in OIPF
2012-03-09 13
Eligijus Masiulis in OIPF
2012-03-09 18