Apie Penki TV
Privatumo politika
„IT+“: nusikalstamo susivienijimo duona – kibernetiniai nusikaltimai
Skaičiuojama, kad kibernetiniai nusikaltimai iki 2021 m. kasmet kainuos 6 trilijonus JAV dolerių ir taps pelningesni nei pasaulinė prekyba narkotikais. Anksčiau reke...
2019-09-23 20
„IT+“: 5G ryšys beldžiasi į duris? Skaitmeninės inovacijos „Baltic Mobile Congress“
Šįkart apsilankėme naujausių mobiliųjų technologijų ir skaitmeninių inovacijų konferencijoje „Baltic Mobile Congress“. Čia apie netolimą 5G ryšio ateitį kalbėjomės s...
2019-01-04 27
„Security Day‘16“ – dėmesys ES Bendrajam duomenų apsaugos reglamentui
Tradiciškai rugsėjo mėnesį „Santa Monica Networks“ sukvietė IT ekspertus aptarti vis dar neblėstančias kibernetinio saugumo iššūkius konferencijoje „Security Day‘16“...
2016-09-16 22
Naujienos per „Penki TV“
Prezidentė Dalia Grybauskaitė dalyvavo atnaujintos Vilniaus universiteto Teisės klinikos atidaryme. Šešioliktąjį kartą Vilniuje įvyko kibernetinio saugumo konferenci...
2016-09-13 454
Prevention first - Introducing the Enterprise Security Platform
Prevention first - Introducing the Enterprise Security Platform, Sami Walle, Palo Alto Networks
2015-06-12 5
The illusion of Closed Platform Security
The illusion of Closed Platform Security, Pierre Roberge, Arc4dia
2015-06-12 3
The next generation of security
The next generation of security, Razvan Cobzaru, Bitdefender
2015-06-11 2
Prevention First - Introducing the Enterprise Security Platform
Prevention First - Introducing the Enterprise Security Platform, Sami Walle, Palo Alto Networks
2015-06-03 5
Data security starts from visibility
Data security starts from visibility, Andrius Šaveiko, Atea & Sami Kovanen, Websense
2015-06-03 0
Šioje laidoje pasakosime apie Baltic Cyber Security 2015 saugumo forumą ir CERN naujienas. Taip pat apie laboratorijoje užaugintą mėsą bei kitas įdomybes.
2015-05-29 516
Kitąmet už šilumą mokėsime 7 proc. mažiau nei prieš metus; konferencijoje „Security Day 2014“ aptarti kibernetinio saugumo iššūkiai.
2014-10-07 144
Justinas Valentukevicius, Channel Manager - Baltics and Finland, Cyberoam
Justinas Valentukevicius With 10 years of experience in IT Justinas is a professional sales and account manager with extensive knowledge of Baltic IT market, has dee...
2014-06-25 39
„Baltic Cyber Security Forum 2014“ interviu su dalyvais: kokios grėsmės tyko internetinėje erdvėje?
Kibernetinis saugumas – tai vis aktualesnė tema. Apie internete tykančias grėsmes ir kaip nuo jų apsisaugoti kalbėjomės su „Baltic CyberSecurity Forum 2014“ dalyviai...
2014-06-17 43
Per Söderqvist, Sales Engineer, Sophos
Per Söderqvist works as Sales Engineer at Sophos in Stockholm, Sweden. He is responsible for the development of IT security strategies for large corporations and the...
2014-06-13 16
Boris Cipot, Technical Product Manager, Corporate Security Business at F-Secure Corporation
During his work history as a developer and product manager in the field of computer security and technology gave him a broad view of today’s trends in this field. He...
2014-06-13 19
Johan Henrikson, CEO, Verisec/Thales
Johan Henrikson, CEO of Verisec, co-founded the company in 2002. He has extensive experience of IT security and has worked closely with many of Verisec´s customers i...
2014-06-13 8
Justinas Valentukevičius, Channel Manager Baltics and Finland, Cyberoam technologies Pvt. Ltd.
With 10 years of experience in IT Justinas is a professional sales and account manager with extensive knowledge of Baltic IT market, has deep understanding of global...
2014-06-13 35
Miikka Kanto & Peter Heim, Dell SecureWorks
Miikka Kanto, Business Development, Nordics and Baltics, Dell SecureWorks Miikka Kanto has been working around IT Security for over ten years. He is currently res...
2014-06-13 71
Miroslav Lučinskij, UAB Critical Security, a SEC Consult company
Miroslav Lučinskij is general manager of UAB Critical Security. Miroslav has more than 10 years of experience in information security field, particularily in penetra...
2014-06-13 104
Teemu Lehtonen, Systems Engineer at Fortinet, Finland and Baltics.
Highly skilled expert in network security area. Teemu joined Fortinet from Nokia where he held various senior positions in network security area.
2014-06-13 22
Fredrik Jubran, Manager, Nordics & Baltic SOPHOS
Fredrik Jubran is a Channel Account Manager at Sophos in Stockholm, Sweden. He is responsible for partner recruitment as well as strategic partner development in the...
2014-06-12 23